Acupuncture can be a very effective way to lose weight, something that you can get with overheating. An ancient Chinese form of treatment, acupuncture makes use of needles inserted in certain points in the body to generate a desired action. With acupuncture weight loss, the needles are used to stimulate the release of hormones, known as endorphins, which will make you feel good. Because of this, you will stop overeating, reduce your stress, and be treated of digestive problems that might be causing your weight problem.
Get A Licensed Acupuncturist
It is important that you acupuncturist that will do the procedure to you has looked into your overall state of health before getting into the treatment. Typically, they will start with examining your pulse and tongue, and then proceed to ask you about your eating habits. All these, and a few more, will help the practitioner determine where the needles will be inserted. The needles can be inserted in the following points of the body:
Those people who are continuously use their mouth for either talking or eating. Your acupuncturist will determine certain points in your mouth to insert needles so you can control yourself and you do not overeat.
The signals that come from the stomach will tell you whether you are hungry or full. Many people have the problem of eating even when their stomach has signaled that it is already full. Targeting certain points on the stomach will help control such compulsive eating. The right points can also treat problems in the digestive system that some people might be suffering from.
Those who are under anxiety or stress as well as those suffering from thyroid problems and water retention can be treated by the acupuncture doctor in the kidney points. This also helps lose weight effectively.
The specific part of the ear where the needles are inserted will depend on your physical health and reasons for losing weight. Your acupuncturist will only use those ear points that will help you the most. Other factors that are considered in choosing the points include your general health, psychological condition, and eating habits.
The lungs is mostly the area of treatment determined by acupuncturists for those who are fond of eating too much chocolates and other sweets.
Those who suffer from premenstrual syndrome or menopause symptoms are treated in their ovary points. This should also help resolve weight gain issues along with the current condition that they are suffering from.
Endocrine System
For those who are suffering from water retention, the acupuncturist will treat those points that pertain to the endocrine system. The main goal for this is to obtain balance among the hormones being secreted by the body.
People suffering from hypothyroidism tend to gain weight. By targeting the thyroid points, the symptoms of this disorder can be controlled.
Acupuncture Therapy Can Help Many Health Disorders
Acupuncture therapy, along with regular exercise and a healthy diet, will help you control overeating and lose weight. It can also aid in improving your general health by treating hormonal imbalances or digestive problems that might have cause your increase in weight.
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