What is Integrative Acupuncture mean?
Integrative Acupuncture means as we view people as complete persons and work towards integrating the entirety to maximize the wellness of a person; get their “Qi” properly balanced and moving. This is one of the basic concepts of Chinese Medicine.
Next, we know that most people have several healthcare modalities and providers. We work with other modalities to get the best of Eastern Medicine and Western Medicine.
I am stressed out from work and family commitments. Can Acupuncture and Chinese herbs help?
I am continually catching my children’s illness, which goes around school. Can Acupuncture and Chinese herbs help?
I am feeling like I am catching a bug. What should I do?
I am suffering from Anxiety, Depression and/or Stress. Can Acupuncture and Chinese herbs help?
I have strain/sprain with a huge bruise? What should I do? Can Acupuncture and Chinese herbs help?
Please call and make an appointment as soon as possible.
Yes. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help decrease your recovery time and helping your body relax, reduce pain & inflammation, increase blood circulation. This is done with a combination of acupuncture and herbs.
I have a torn ACL. I know I need surgery. Can Acupuncture and Chinese herbs help?
I have a knee and hip replacement. I want to go on vacation that will require lots of Walking. Can Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help?
I have Osteoarthritis. Can Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help?
I have gone to an Orthopedist, and Chiropractor. Should I come see you too?
I am suffering from “hot flashes”, night sweating, insomnia, and agitation. I think I am perimenopausal. Can Acupuncture and Chinese herbs help?
Yes, acupuncture and herbs can help reduce if not completely eliminate these symptoms. It will take a roughly 6 to 8 session in 30 days to get a grip on it.
Typically this is a Yin deficiency with a Yang excess pattern. There are a couple of variations on this theme, so you will need to come in for examination to get the correct diagnosis.